
Monday, September 23, 2013

Unfortunate Lover

She was one of those whom god lost from heaven. She was an angel with a face filled fully with never dwindling smile. Her name was Tshomo. Tshomo likes painting and she likes nurturing natures. In her class she was known for her simplicity and her tenacity in remaining evergreen. Tshering who was her class mate always left a strong witticism whenever he talks with her. He used to tease himself with her infront of all their classmates. Her lovely cheek turns pink and blushes away whenever Tshering teased her. As a friend Tshering always admired her exquisite natural beauties and they remained a good friend.
As days rolled into weeks and weeks into months he found himself attached with Tshomo. Since he was a good friend of Tshomo everyone in the class started teasing them. When they sat together, they compromised that they are not more than a good friend.
Photo by Dawa
As they were in teen the striking word “love” over ruled them. Tshering who was a believer of love supported love as a robust phenomenon towards his life. Since his sagacity thoughts was disturbed by the word ‘love’ even when visiting bathroom he heard pupils chattering about love, when he read books, he found that love can change everything and he started becoming a peculiar believer of love.
Tshering soon realized that he was in love with his best friend Tshomo; he started acting dissimilar to that of his real behaviour in front of Tshomo. Whenever he had a conversation with her he always had an eloquent conversation about his feelings. He tried to share his desperate words with her but faith didn't favour him in confessing his own precious love meant for her.
Even then he loved her more than himself, wrote a poem about her, dreamt many times, shared with many friends about his meekness love, and crafted her image in his most desiring heart.
He did justice to his love by not mingling with any of the ladies and staying quietly beholding at her beautiful inseparable beauties but some days he heard that Tshomo was in relation.
When he heard the irksome information, he didn’t believe as she as fine girl who will never be in this state of affairs. Few days later he started noticing that her unprofessional behaviour was ruling over her rosy behaviour.
From then, he sobbed internally leaving no tears to shed out, his sense was senseless, lost his appetite, his eyes became dull, he remained in nostalgic state and he was not able to control his emotions. Though alive he was paralyzed internally with a torment live.
He lived his life without meaning and still he is continuing the journey of optimist life.

Theme: “If you love someone don’t wait , just confess it !” So that there won’t be any regret from your side.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Enjoy with Pride

Photo: Dawa
The year when all the high school students finishes crossing their rigid schooling days and when they start soaring themselves within the floppy places so called college. Some starts roaming and some enjoy at their fullest taking full freedom of their own freedom.  Though immature, vehemently they start acting matured as they are bounded with broadest minded pupils.
Once the individuals are fully adjusted in the college, they interact and meet new faces, later their bosom friends. Unwittingly, days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into year and finally you find everyone calling you acho and aue (elder people).
Why the time in college hurries like an unstoppable river?
While staying in the colleges always work hard with utmost ability putting your dedication in it. Enjoy the life of college and try to learn different things which are alien to you so that the memories will be stored in the history of your brain and it will never dwindle away.


External and Internal bliss

It was 4:00 in the morning when I was awake. I put on the curtain but it was not yet dawn. When I went outside my room I saw the sky giving a shower to the down earth with slight rain. ‘Ah what a boring day to start’ I uttered within myself. The feeling of inferiority was striking my mind as the day seemed gloomy.
Teachers in Gaupel Lower Secondary School
After a while my mind was tickled by some reminders. I thought intensively and tried to recollect the things. Thank god! I remembered that I have a day long to go with my tutor Madam Sangay Bidha to Gaupel Lower Secondary School.
At 8:30 am I met my tutor and we drove to Gaupel Lower Secondary School. Opps!!!! I forgot to write why did we go to the school?
A flower near Madam's apartment
Madam and I went to school to conduct School Based Improving Program (SBIP) by introducing phonetics to the teacher though they have some knowledge about phonetics. “Ahem ahem”  I was not a teacher there!!!! I went along with my tutor to learn phonetics like other teachers and to assist my tutor. Clinging with madam Sangay for 3 hours I learnt many things. Madam changed my empty bag of brain by putting the jewels of knowledge.
When the program came to end I directly looked at the bluish sky and saw the sun shining like never before capturing all the darkness and clouds boogying with their slow tempo making the day a complete journey.
Delicious and mouth watery food made prepared by Madam at her home reminded me of my mother’s love and affection to me. Thank you god and madam for providing me with a colossal opportunity to learn and be a fit individual in the society.
Outwardly today’s weather was favourable with my interior emotions being guided by a new learning of knowledge. In my little brain I’ve written today’s memories with never fading ink and it will be preserved ever in my heart of museum.